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Date: 21 October 2024 

Time: 2:00 p.m.

Topic: Back to Basics

Speaker:  2:00 p.m. - Mark Crossley: HSE - HSE updates & Q&As

              2:30 p.m. - Mark Harries-Watkins: Health, Safety & Fire Consulting Ltd


  • Summary of key legislative duties / responsibilities, including new Building Safety Act requirements (will affect Retail services having to liaise with neighbouring premises re fire safety)

  • Definition of key terms

  • Summary of the basics of fire safety risk assessments, including common fire safety issues (eg determining who is responsible for building related works in leased premises, required records, etc), and key controls.


Emphasis on what is legally and practically expected of charity organisations to be compliant


Teams: â€‹

Meeting ID: 368 953 757 083

Passcode: pE59ik​

Future dates for 2025: 

  • 20 January 

  • 28 April 

  • 16 June

  • 20 October 

Copyright © 2017 Charities Safety Group. All rights reserved. The Charities Safety Group provides the information on its website in good faith for the use by the general public and CSG members. CSG are happy for people to use the information and other data to help them in their particular circumstances and situations. However the subject matter is generic which means that the user needs to make sure it is fit for the purpose they want to use it for and that it meets any legal requirements.

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